25 Things I Learned By 25

  1. You are much stronger than you think.
  2. You were not created to be isolated.
  3. No one thinks about you even remotely close to as often as you think they do.
  4. Adults have wisdom that you should listen to.
  5. Toxic people are not worth keeping in your life, no matter how fun they might be. Don’t let anticipation take away from the present moment.
  6. Keep tabs on your mental health. Tending to it is always your best yes.
  7. God is sovereign and every action has a purpose. (Yes, every single one.)
  8. Ask for what you want or you won’t get it. Your friends aren’t mind readers. Neither are employers, leaders, boyfriends, or family members.
  9. Take time to learn your friends. Understand what they love and what makes them smile. Repeat these things and cherish those who know you and who root for you time, and time again. Even after you fall and get back up.
  10. You will always get back up.
  11. Spend time with people who don’t deplete you.
  12. Research what you have doubts about.
  13. Don’t speak on what you don’t know. And I mean truly know.
  14. You often don’t know the whole story. Or even half of the story.
  15. Everyone you see is struggling with something, big or small.
  16. It is always valuable to lift people UP. Encourage one another. Brighten someone’s day, any chance that you get.
  17. Save money, but also book that flight.
  18. When you look back on life, you will remember experiences with those you love, not handbags.
  19. Done is better than perfect, in most cases. Don’t let the fear of failure paralyze you from taking the first step.
  20. When someone is being mean or rude, it most likely has nothing to do with you. Unless you were intentionally mean to them, then that certainly won’t get you very far.
  21. Making a timeline for your life only sets you up for failure. Things change, all of the time.
  22. You can’t control other people or what decisions they make. You are only in control of your own actions.
  23. Your worth should never be placed in another human being. Or your relationship status.
  24. Your darkest moments in life won’t stay dark forever.
  25. Don’t dread getting older, it’s where the fun really begins.

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