Good Morning! I’m Sorelle from Autumn Sorelle. – Morning Routine Series


Happy Friday and welcome back to Vogue and a Latte! I am so happy you are here and I hope you have had a wonderful week. I am here to bring you another morning routine from one of my absolute FAVORITE babes to follow on Instagram and on her blog. Meet Sorelle from Autumn Sorelle!!

Okay, so I absolutely love Sorelle because her Instagram posts and stores are always super real ( seeing a pattern here people?? ). She is so focused on being mindful and in charge of your emotions/feelings/day/etc. But I also love that she is so open about the fact that not every day is going to be a good day. There are days that aren’t going to be perfect. There are days that you are going to not feel your best, and that is okay. She is also stunnnnning and has the best style tips and photos.

You can read all about her on her about me page and throughout her blog, Autumn Sorelle. This morning routine has to be one of my favorites so far – it’s SO detailed and specific and really gives us a glimpse at what an ideal morning looks like for Sorelle!

Let’s get to it.


Despite the fact that I’m someone who likes routine and structure, every morning looks a little different for me right now! I’m a huge believer in maintaining balance and mindfully listening to what my body needs. For a while, I had a consistent routine in the mornings and although it was great (check it out on my blog here), I actually found myself getting worked up on the days I didn’t stick to it. That’s when I realized that things needed to change and I had to loosen up a little and go with the flow.
I work a full-time job in downtown Seattle and my commute is an hour each way, so that doesn’t leave a whole lot of time in the morning! That said, I do try my hardest to make sure that I either get in a workout, yoga class, and/or a quiet meditation/devotion time. All three of these things leave me feeling grounded and ready for the day so I try to fit in at least one. Today I’m going to share an example of what I would consider to be an ideal morning.
6:00 am: Alarm goes off (unfortunately). I’m really working on not pushing snooze, but realistically I usually push it once or twice.
6:10 am: Wake up forreal haha. There are a few things I do immediately after waking up… These habits took time to create!
  1. I stretch out really big and think of a few things I’m grateful for, before letting my brain get all wrapped up in what I have to do that day.
  2. Still half in bed, I drink the (entire) large glass of water that I set on my nightstand the night before. I highly recommend doing this, it’s so good for you! It rehydrates your body, kickstarts your metabolism, fuels your brain, and helps to flush out toxins.
  3. The second I get out of bed I make it! I pull up my white sheets, fluff my huge white down comforter, and arrange all my boho inspired pillows from Home Goods hehe. I started doing this as a mini New Years’ resolution this year and I don’t think I’ve skipped a day – it’s just second nature by now. Love that it sets the tone for an organized day right off the bat!
6:15 am: All the fun stuff – pee, brush my teeth, quickly wash my face.
6:20 am: Get dressed for the gym! I have an obsession with activewear and sneakers (anyone else?!) so this is weirdly fun for me haha.
6:25 am: Grab a banana, my Hydroflask water bottle, headphones, and head out the door.
6:30 – 7:30 am: Luckily I only live 5 minutes from my gym, so I can get there pretty quickly! My workouts typically consist of a 5-10 minute warmup, 35 minutes of lifting weights, and a 15 minute HIIT (high intensity interval training) circuit! I love the mix of lifting and circuits because it’s a great way to get stronger, tone your muscles, AND get in some cardio.
7:35 am: Get back home and hop in the shower! Currently on the hunt for a great shampoo/conditioner, but I love Dr. Bronner’s for body wash. My face wash is part of Emme Diane’s Acne Skin Set.
7:45 am: Towel off, put on some cozy clothes (I love Target’s loungewear) and finish applying my Emme Diane skincare products.
7:50 am: Time for makeup! I’m not a huge makeup girl, so my routine is pretty much the same every day. A couple of my go-to products are the Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk FoundationBareMinerals Original PowderBenefit Cosmetics Roller Lash Mascara, and Glossier Boy Brow.
8:05 am: Do something with my hair – I usually leave it down and natural, clip it back, or throw it in a low messy bun.
8:10 am: Get dressed! I try to think about this the night before as I’m falling asleep so usually it doesn’t take me too much time. My current job is pretty laid-back with what we wear so that makes it easier.
8:15 am: Head downstairs and make breakfast. I almost always eat one fried egg, a piece of whole wheat toast (I like Dave’s bread) and a kiwi. Kiwis have even more than daily amount of Vitamin C we’re supposed to get so they’re a great immune booster! I take my vitamins right after eating – green tea extract, super primrose, B12, D3, probiotic, and turmeric. I would list the benefits of all of these but that would take forever – Google if you’re curious. 🙂
8:25 am: If I’m bringing my lunch that day, I’ll throw that together super quick. My favorite is a salad with spring mix, fresh herbs, frozen veggies (they defrost by the time I eat it), cherry tomatoes, red pepper, avocado, chicken, adzuki beans, cayenne pepper, salt & pepper, and whatever else I can find haha. I also like to grab a few snacks like raw cashews, chili rice chips from Costco (SO BOMB), dark chocolate, berries or other fruit, and a Clif bar.
8:30 am: Head out the door! 8:30 is usually my goal, but it isn’t do or die for me. I don’t have a set schedule at work, so I can sort of come in when I want. I recently stopped drinking coffee every day because I was becoming too reliant on it, but sometimes I’ll grab Starbucks on the way to work if I’m really in the mood for it. I like white mochas with only 2 pumps of syrup and coconut milk! In the car, I either listen to the radio or podcasts to make the time go by faster.
9:30 am: My work day begins!!
There ya have it! That is what a lot of my mornings tend to look like, except sometimes that workout is switched out with yoga or meditation/quiet time. But a QUICK DISCLAIMER lol: Not every morning is like this for me! I’m not always productive, active, and healthy. I have my fair share of mornings where I sleep an hour longer than I wanted to, skip my workout, eat a crappy breakfast, and rush out the door. The important thing is to have grace for ourselves and just try our best to do what we need to do to stay happy and healthy.
Thanks so much, Madison for including me in this series… This was so fun!
XO Sorelle

Y’all, shoutout to Sorelle for being so open about her morning routine and each step of the way! I love how she starts her mornings with some quiet time or a workout – working on your mind and body first thing, no matter what that looks like for you, is super important.

Go follow Sorelle on Instagram and check out her blog here. Your feed will be just a little bit brighter with her gorgeous pics and uplifting words.

I have a packed weekend full of blogging fun ( heading to the SIMPLY conference with Caitlyn which should be a blast!!! ) and lots of yummy food with good friends. Follow along on Instagram ( @MadisonCrowley ) if you don’t already!

‘Til next time,Autumn in November